Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Who Would Win In A Fight?

An anthropomophized state of Montana or an anthropomorphized state of California? This is just if the two states stood up and started fighting, though be advised that the quality and quantity of residents will be impacting the fight.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tuesdays Suck

It is well-known, via Garfield comics and the movie "Office Space," that Mondays are no fun. I find this to be not entirely correct. When you get a good night's sleep, had a productive and fun weekend, and the skies are bright and sunny on a crisp Spring Monday morn, the return to the drudgery of life isn't all that bad. No my friends, we need to be wary of Tuesday, the bastard step-child of Monday.

Tuesday is by far the worst day of the week. You see, Monday starts it all off. It's like Track 1 of an album (are the kids still listening to albums these days?). If it's really great, you know this week is gonna kick a little ass. But if it's crap, well, you're gonna have to muddle through Tracks 2 and 3 to find out if this album is a winner or a sinner. Tuesday is like those crucial mid-album tracks and can make or break your week.

Wednesday is hump day. We all know that. You make it to Wednesday and the weekend isn't that far off any more. Thursday has a case of the Tuesdays, because it's not yet Friday but it is over the hump. But Lost is now on on Thursdays so it has an ace in its sleeves. Friday is obviously the best day of the week for many, many reasons.

But Tuesday... or "Bluesday" if you have a case of the "Tuesday Blues" ... sucks. All that Tuesday has going for it is that it is easily rhymed with "Blues" which only works for radio stations that play that sort of music and enjoy slant rhyme or for blogs that no one reads (see: this one.) Tuesday, you suck. If any day of my week could be removed, it's you. You're the appendix of the body that is the week. Completely useless, until you get infected and threaten to kill. Asshole.