Insert universe collapsing.
I just posted a small little thing and then was re-reading the 2 or 3 posts I put up in the past 7 months. Just wanted to clarify a little something about that Simpsons post below.
I have nothing against lesbians or gays or anything like that. By all means, love who you want and do what you gotta do. I'm all for it. That article was merely enragement at the constant shark-jumping and "oh yeah? how about this!" story-telling technique that The Simpsons have employed for the dreck of the past 6 seasons.
Not that anyone complained to me; all two readers seemed to enjoy it. But you never know who is gonna find this stuff, and I just wanted to set the record straight. Also, I will criticize that same episode for planting the idea of Lisa being a lesbian and then going nowhere with it. If that's what you want to do, at least make it a lasting change (even though there are 4 episodes, and a movie, that I can think of off the top of my head where Lisa is in love with a boy).
I'm overthinking it again.