Hello various internetic peoples. My name is Dan, but you can call me eXplosivo or just X for short. For an 18-month period, I ran a website known as Planet eXplosivo (http://www.plaetexplosivo.com/) [hey that's the name of this blog!] which was continually rivaling Google, Yahoo, mySpace, and Milf Hunter as the most hit website in cyberspace.
Actually, I usually got eight hits a day, half of them were me, and I updated it once every six hundred days. But damnit, I had a website, and that made me cool. Like a Ghostbusters jumpsuit. Or a He Man tattoo.
Since the website cost money, required a lot of time and effort, and generally garnered me some reproach when I never updated from the few people who did read it, I have decided to end it.
Websites are cool and blogs, on the other hand, are for lifeless losers who live at home, watch cartoons all day, and live on Slurpees, corn dogs, and Hot Pockets. People who don't have anything valueable to say write blogs. In short, I think blogs are stupid.
So welcome to my blog. It's going to be a rather strange experience filled with lollipops, gummy bears, and big words like 'reproach' and 'garner.'
Tell your friends.