I'm gonna do this so super fast that even if you don't care you might actually read it. Light week for me this week, which just means I'll spend more money on my other vices (DVDs, the movie thaters, Taco Bell/Wendy's/White Castle...) Let's press on:
Fifty Two Week 13 - DC - You either read 52 or yoiu don't, and no one's going to start reading now if they haven't been all along. This week, Black Adam is in love with the demi-god woman he created last week. It's kind of boring, and the two of them go off freeing children slaves, then giving them sanctuary in Adam's nation of Kahndaq. It's ok, but nothing great. The better part of the issue focuses on Elongated Man disrupting the ritual of the Cult of Conner resurrection cult. A good twist and a very dark, disturbing, and psychologically damaging point for the character. I doubt he'll be appearing in the book for a few weeks, but he'll definitely be back. And there's some creepy guy in the shadows watching him in the last panel. Smells important to me... "B"
Detective Comics #822 - DC - Two issues in and I am really liking Paul Dini's run. I mean, the man crafted "Batman: The Animated Series," so how could this not be good? This issue Batman teams up with a newly reformed Riddler, who has taken a job as a freelance police detective. Very funny interactions between Bats and the Riddler, but there's a good four pages at the end that are a voice talking on a phone while another character reacts. A little weak and not too visually enticing. All in all, a very good issue featuring one of my favorite Batman villains. "A-"
The All New Atom #2 - DC - This book is just weird but for some reason I really like it. The plot was concieved by Grant Morrison (and it's very reminiscent of "The Filth" in some ways) but it's written by Gail Simone who brings a touch more emotion to the book. I have no idea what's going on with the overarching plot, and it's a little far-fetched that young nubile college women would be so attracted to an Asian physics professor who is fresh off the boat (is that racist, I apologize if it is), but it makes for a good read. The quotes every few panels from famous scientists is a nice touch, but I can't see it lasting too many more issues. Great book for anyone who likes science, superheroes, and weird bug aliens that live in the sewer. The twist at the end is very clearly a set-up, but I'll see where it's going. Recommended. "A-"
Invincible #34 - Image - I love, love, love this book. Mark deals with the reprecussions of brutally slaughtering Angstrom Levy, as well as the slight problem that he's in another dimension with no way out. It's a bit of a deus ex machina how he gets out, but I'll buy it because Kirkman pulls it off well and Ottley provides such great art. Hopefully the wheels of romance are finally turning for Mark and Eve. Bout time. Good bits with the Mauler twins as well, and glad to see that Robot isn't actually evil (or is he?) "B+"
Uncanny X-Men #477 - Marvel - BORING. And the first two issues showed such promise, too. Frankly, I expect more from Brubaker who uses this issue to forcefeed his new villain, Vulcan, down our throats. I'm pretty sure no X-Men actually appeared in it. Vulcan sucks. His plan is stupid, his powers are generic and nonsensical, and his origin is contrived and relatively impossible. Oh, and he's Cyclops and Havok's brother from a forgotten mid-90's storyline that no one but geekier folk than I care about. And this issue focuses on him. Bring back Warpath, he's way more interesting. "D"
Ultimate Spider-Man #98 - Marvel - The Ultimate Clone Saga progresses and there's at least one predictable plot twist: Gwen Stacy is back, alive and well. Mary Jane is kidnapped, Peter visits the Fantastic Four (who, I feel, are written way out of character than they are in their own book), and there's a bunch of clones running around. I'm fairly positive the Spider-Woman Peter talked to was some kind of female clone of himself, but time will tell. I don't know where Bendis is going with this, but I know I'm not going to miss it and so far, it hasn't thrilled me. Nice art though. "C+"
And that's it for me. Back to work then. I have some tasks that I really need to take head on. (Apply directly to the forehead.)