This past week, a large group of celebrities including Nicole Kidman, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Danny DeVito, amongst many others, took out a large ad in the Los Angeles Times saying that they are all collectively against terrorism.
WELL FUCKING HALLELUJAH! I don't know what I would have done if the damsel-in-distress from "Batman Forever" (Kidman) and the bad guy from "Spy Kids 3D Game Over" (Stallone) hadn't made their opinions so abundantly clear. You know what difference it makes now that we know Hollywood doesn't support terrorism? A great weight has been lifted from my shoulders, I tell you.
It's a very sad state of affairs when actors and actresses think they have any kind of say in what goes on in the world, let alone something as asinine as publicly "coming out against terrorism." Even if the AP story about this did describe the announcement as "strongly worded," who gives a shit? Wow, the crotchety boss on "Taxi" really doesn't like terrorist? Fuck me...
You know what would be ballsy? Someone coming out and saying they supported terrorism. That would raise a few heads instead of eliciting a few sighs. Hey celebrity collective, do you know who else is against terrorism? EVERY AMERICAN MAN AND WOMAN! And I didn't even have to read the LA Times to figure that one out.
Isn't this the kind of pompous self-centered-ness that made us such a lovable target for terrorists in the first place? Maybe they should all go back to fucking work and make an original movie every once in a while instead of sitting around with their heads up their asses acting like they make a difference. I've had it with these mother-fucking remakes of these mother-fucking movies.
Incidentally, go see "Snakes on a Plane" this weekend.