This one is for Janelle, my only reader....
I bet Michael Buffer is an asshole.
If you don't know who he is, Buffer is probably the most famous ring announcer of all time. He's the "Let's Get Ready to Ruuuuumble" guy, and I don't know him personally, but I bet he's kind of a jerk. I mean, his entire career IS saying "Let's Get Ready to Ruuuuumble" and he has it trademarked, which means that I might be sued just by saying it on this website.
So he gets famous for the way he says the word "Rumble" and then makes it so that anyone can't say it like he does without paying him money, which is likely hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is the guy that they get for the big important Boxing matches and WWE title fights. Poor Lillian Garcia, the usual ring announcer for the WWE and all around cutie pie, will never get the chance to announce a Wrestlemania title fight, because they will always get Michael Buffer so he can say his stupid catch phrase.
I don't think I had a very funny point to make with all this. It just seems like a guy who trademarks an asinine phrase like "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" and makes it so you can't say it without his permission is probably a bit of a wanker. I mean, Donald Trump tried to trademark "You're Fired!" and Paris Hilton trademarked "That's hot." and that's not exactly the duo to be in league with if you want a favorable public image.
So that's my piece, it took a month to get it out of me. Michael Buffer.... probably an ass.